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Compresor mobil JOSVAL MC-MLC-50

Compresor mobil JOSVAL MC-MLC-50
Compresor mobil JOSVAL MC-MLC-50
    Compresor mobil JOSVAL MC-MLC-50
    Compresor mobil JOSVAL MC-MLC-50

    Compresor mobil JOSVAL model MC-MLC-50 | Compresoare profesionale

    MC-MLC-50/A este echipat cu 1 butelie de 50 litriMotorul monofazic cu 2 cilindri asigura un debit de aspiratie de 310 l/min si o presiune de 10 bari. Acest Compresor Orizontal pentru Comprimat Aer este ideal pentru utilizarea profesionala.



    Detalii și descriere

    Compresorul Orizontal pentru Aer Comprimat JOSVAL model MC-MLC-50 ideal pentru utilizarea profesionala avand un rezervor de 100 litri si presiune reglabila pana la 10 Bari. Are o functionare complet automata si este dotat cu comutator de presiune, piston mobil si protectie pt motor.

    Acest Compresor Orizontal pentru Comprimat Aer este ideal pentru utilizarea profesionala cu sculele si utilajele pneumatice care necesita o cantitate ridicata de aer, acest dispozitiv avand o unitate puternica cu 2 cilindri de comprimare a aerului. Este prevazut cu un filtru reductor de presiune ce asigura rezultate bune de lucru iar turatia joasa a acestui compresor aer protejeaza componentele acestuia si reduce nivelul de zgomot si al vibratiilor.

    Este un dispozitiv de comprimat cu functionare complet automata dotat cu piston mobil, comutator de presiune, protectie a motorului si buton de deschidere - inchidere. Standard, acest compresor aer, este echipat cu absolut toate accesoriile de siguranta, cablu electric cu mufa si comutator de presiune.

    Compresor profi fara ulei JOSVAL MC-MLC-50 are in dotarea standard urmatoarele:

    • Piston mobil;
    • CILINDRU din fonta de rezistenta superioara care ii prelungeste viata si performantele.
    • Comutator de Presiune;
    • 2 Roti Cauciucate pt deplasarea usoara la locul de utilizare si maner sudat;
    • Protectie Termica a motorului impotriva deteriorarii;
    • Supapa de Scurgere a condensului;
    • Supapa de Siguranta;
    • Manometru;
    • Comutator de Urgenta;
    • Cablu electruc cu mufa;
    • Manual de utilizare cu Certificat de garantie.

    Compresor profi fara ulei MC-MLC-50 utilizare:

    • sursa de aer comprimat pentru pistoale de vopsit, scule pneumatice usoare (suflatoare, capsatoare cu cuie si capse).
    • umflarea anvelopelor la toate mijloacele de transport din gospodarie
    • umflarea piscinei
    • ateliere de service, vopsitorii, centre medicale

    Compresor profi fara ulei MC-MLC-50 instructiuni de folosire:

    Pentru a asigura functionarea eficienta a compresorului, fara scurgeri, este imperativ sa se efectueze intretinerea de rutina, cum ar fi monitorizarea si inlocuirea fitingurilor compresorului de aer.

    Datorita constructiei sale, acest APARAT de COMPRIMAT AER este utilizat pe scara larga si satisface atat utilizatorii amatori cat si pe cei profesionisti, standardul de performanta si marimea cilindrului permitand conectarea la o gama mare de accesorii pneumatice si utilaje de etansare sau lubrifiereutilaje de sudura sau pistoale de cuie, masini de curatat, suflat, vopsit sau lacuit, utilaje de insurubat sau desurubat, masini de pompare si masurare a presiunii in anvelopele autoturismelor, utilaje de slabit si strans pentru inlocuirea rotilor, sablatoaremasini de gaurit, taiere sau slefuire.

    Compresorul mobil MC-MLC-50 este fabricat in SPANIA.

    Caracteristici tehnice

    Tensiune de alimentare
    230 V
    Putere motor S1
    1,5 kW (2,0 CP)
    Dimensiuni (L x l x h)
    1010 x 590 x 760 mm
    Presiune maxima
    10 bar
    920 rpm/min.
    Greutate aproximativa
    75 kg
    310 litri/minut
    Capacitatea rezervorului
    50 litri
    Numar de cilindri / trepte de compresie
    2 / 1

    Fisiere asociate

    Despre JOSVAL


    After several years of learning the trade of mechanics and participating in the founding of one of the most important Spanish companies in the early 50s, dedicated to brake systems for trucks, Valentin and José pushed by their great involvement and ability to look forward, decided to undertake a new business account.  Josval was born, with an initial emphasis on repair and maintenance of brakes and engines for trucks and buses.

    In no time, the first facilities were too small as the line of trucks and buses waiting, occupying the entire street, so the need for expansion came early. Moreover, Valentin and José intended to make their own provisions and design for brakes and. opted for an even bigger challenge, i.e. being manufacturers.

    Guided by a practical sense, both entrepreneurs embarked on the acquisition of land for constructing what in future should be the current Headquarters of the COMPANY. An Industrial Area designed during the late 60s, but from where José Lorén Laudo is very clear to proceed with manufacturing systems.

    Pedals, servos, actuators, valves, brake release, piston sets, collars, coupling heads, pressure tanks, compressors and piston heads started to be manufactured with a proper design, taking advantage of the growth of firms like Barreiros, Pegaso , and pushing the development of more and more models.

    Under the tutelage of Jose Lorén, after the loss of his partner and best friend, joined the company a new generation of the Lorén family, with the same DNA, and the spirit of its founders: to maintain a line of superior quality to its competitors and at a fair price.


    More than 25.000 m2, 60 years of history and experience, hundreds of thousands of piston compressors, screw compressors and tanks delivered, attest to the excellence of the company, which sees many of its competitors fall in the domestic market, due to the strong entry from the late 70s competitors proceeding from foreign countries. 

    That first workshop, presented today as the unique Spanish manufacturer of small and medium power air compressors, with large national presence, has managed the brand born of Jose and Valentin, JOSVAL, and is automatically identified as a symbol of QUALITY. A company looking into the future with great expectations and maintaining the lines of work based on the same prerogative that the founder has instilled in his children: Quality, Availability and Service.


    Aware of the quickly changing market that the industry in recent years has been experiencing, and spurred by the long and deep crisis, Compresores JOSVAL understands and seeks a natural expansion to other countries.

    Therefore JOSVAL presents a catalogue that meets the needs of the majority of the market, after investing and developing new and better ranges for vendor essential for those seeking quality. And because the compressed air has an energy impact and should be treated as such, JOSVAL complies perfectly with the necessary factors, offering a great profitability for reliability and high production which makes the price minimally impacting costs for product users JOSVAL.


    In Josval we do because it is in our DNA

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    Presiune maxima 10 bar
    Numar de cilindri / trepte de compresie 2 / 1
    Turatie 920 rpm/min.
    Debit 310 litri/minut
    Capacitatea rezervorului 50 litri
    Racordare electrica
    Tensiune de alimentare 230 V
    Putere motor S1 1,5 kW (2,0 CP)
    Dimensiuni de gabarit
    Dimensiuni (L x l x h) 1010 x 590 x 760 mm
    Greutate aproximativa 75 kg
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